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Top 10 Best Massage Oils For Your Baby

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Top 10 Best Massage Oils for Your Baby

Best Massage Oils For Your Baby

When it comes to choosing the best massage oils for babies, everyone claims to be a pro. All commercials claim that their massage oils contain every single ingredient the baby needs for a healthy and glowing skin. This is not one of them. As a parent, you should avoid gambling over the health of your baby’s skin, by choosing the best that the market has to offer.

Is massaging my baby healthy? Does massaging my baby pose any health risk? Is there any research to back up claims on the best massage oils for babies? These are some of the questions that might be rushing through your head.

Research reveals that, infusing some oil during massage sessions is very healthy for your baby . First, the massage oil makes the sessions soothing, and consequently improves the baby’s sleep. Besides, massaging a baby using some oil strengthens neuromotor development and emotional connection, which in turn makes them gain weight.

Now that you know about two benefits of infusing massage oils in babies, let’s talk about:

  • The safety of massage oils to babies
  • Factors to consider when buying massage oils for babies
  • The best massage oils for babies
  • Frequently asked questions on massage oils for babies.

How safe is massage oil for babies?

Mother massaging little baby girl

Although massaging your baby with oil is healthy, there is a catch. Sometimes, your baby might be having an underlying condition, or, they are allergic to some massage oils.

If your baby is allergic to certain oils or has an underlying condition, talk to a pediatrician about it first. The pediatrician will advise you on whether to use the massage oil or alternatives.

Factors to Consider When Buying Massage Oil for Babies

Before you settle for a particular brand of massage oil for the cute baby, find out whether it meets these qualities:

1.      Non-allergic and chemicals-free.

Massage oil for a baby.

The best massage oil for a baby should have natural properties and be chemical-free. Babies’ skins are delicate and therefore, using chemical-based massage oils can lead to serious skin conditions.

2.      Mild fragrance

A baby’s olfactory sensory (the sense of smell) is super delicate and strong fragrance might offset a serious allergy. To avoid gambling with the baby’s health, use massage oils with a mild fragrance.

In any way, your baby won’t even notice the rose fragrance in the massage oils.

3.      Thin Oils

Thick oil clogs skin pores and traps dirt and dust, increasing the chances of contracting diseases on a baby’s skin. Therefore, when choosing massage oil for your baby, go for the one that is thin.

4.      Moisturizing properties

Always choose massage oils with moisturizing properties. The moisture in the oil would easily get absorbed into the dermis, unleashing its full benefits.

Massage oil for your baby should be thin

5.      Vegetal and essential oils inside

Please note: Essential oil cannot be effectively absorbed into the skin alone. It needs carrier oil. Therefore, confirm if the massage oil contains both vegetable properties and corresponding carrier properties.

Tips to Use While Massaging Your Baby

You have already gone through the 5-point check list and picked the ideal massage oil for your baby. What next? These tips will help you massage your baby with oil like a professional masseuse:

Mother massages her baby girl
  • Only massage a baby when they are comfortable. If your baby shows any sign of discomfort, don’t massage them. Massaging an uncomfortable oil only results in more complications such as colic.
  • Before applying massage oil on the baby’s skin, dab a small amount on the back of their palm. Dabbing the oil will help you know whether they will react negatively. If the baby develops
  • some rashes, STOP!
  • Observe the baby’s sleep cycle and only massage them when they are about to sleep. This tip will help them get extra comfortable and sleep better.
  • Massage the baby 45 minutes after a meal to minimize the risk of vomiting and spit-ups.
  • Avoid applying too much pressure on the baby when massaging them since this might injure them. Additionally, remove any jewelry on your hands that might scratch and injure them.
  • Before you take off the baby’s clothes to massage them, make sure the environment is conducive. The temperature must be warm; you should use soft light to light the room. Additionally, avoid any form of noise that might distract them.
Foot massage for a baby.

Extra tip: Don’t make the massage session seem like a duty; enjoy. You can incorporate soft, baby-friendly music, play with the baby, and hum to them. They will looove that.

Which are the Top 10 Best Massage Oils for Your Baby?

Up to this point, you might be wondering; I have already bought a massage oil for the cute little mini-me. How will I use this massage oil? Here are the top uses of massage oil for babies:

a.       For Sensitive Skin

Massage oil for sensitive skin.

All babies’ skins are extra sensitive; this is common knowledge.

 However, the sensitivity in babies vary. Highly sensitive skin in babies make them susceptible to dryness and eczema.

If your baby’s skin is extra dry, avoid sunflower seed oil. Sunflower oil contains oleic acid, a chemical component that makes the skin tender and dry.

Instead, buy massage oils rich in linoleic acid, a component that suppresses skin sensitivity:

         i.            Chamomile Oil

Chamomile massage oil has proven itself to be the ideal choice for babies with over-sensitive skin.

The FDA classifies chamomile under the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) category. The recognition from FDA was due to the oil’s therapeutic benefits, especially to babies.

If your baby is struggling with colic, massage them with chamomile oil; the infantile colic symptoms will fade away.

Caution: In rare cases, chamomile oil might induce allergies to the baby. Should your baby develop any skin reactions, contact your pediatrician for further guidance.

       ii.            Sunflower Oil

Sunflower massage oil

Experiments and preliminary research have shown that sunflower oil is highly effective in managing skin conditions.

However, other scientists dispute this research and claim that sunflower oil causes the skin to crack, exposing the baby to infections.

 Since the research is subject to controversy, use sunflower massage oils precautionary or under the direction of a pediatrician.

      iii.            Calendula Oil

Calendula massage oil

As a parent, you should try out calendula massage oil on your baby to experience its soothing effects.

Besides the soothing effects, calendula oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that effectively suppress diaper rashes and inflammatory skin lesions.

      iv.            Tea Tree Oil

Pediatricians and scientists recommend tea tree oil as an ideal massage oil for babies due to its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, some babies might be extra sensitive to this massage oil. As a parent, you should be cautious when using this oil.

       v.            Castor Oil

You might ask yourself why and how castor oil is used to manage skin sensitivity in babies.

Most people who have used castor oil claim to have seen substantial fast hair growth in their babies. Pediatricians recommend using castor oil as a pre-bath massage oil due to its thickness, which makes it easy to use.

b.      For Normal Skin

Massage oil for babies is not limited to extra sensitive skin use. You might just need to massage the baby as a routine using these oils:

      vi.            Mustard Oil

“Isn’t mustard oil used in cooking?” you might ask.

Of course, it is, but some studies have shown that olive oil might help your baby’s skin hydrate better.

But there is a catch.

 Some babies might have dry skin due to being massaged with olive oil.

 Before you massage your baby with olive oil, check with your pediatrician on whether it is safe for the skin.

    vii.            Sesame Oil

Sesame massage oil

Dermatologists and pediatricians recommend sesame massage oil for babies due to these benefits:

  • Improvement of thermoregulation.
  • Improvement of skin texture.
  • Development of strong skin barrier.

  viii.            Almond Oil

I learned about almond oil’s efficiency a bit late, but I tried it anyway. After experimenting the almond massage oil on my son, I marveled at its incredible benefits.

Dermatologists argue that almond oil contains sclerosant and emollient properties. These properties make a baby’s skin tone and complexion rich.

Besides, applying almond oil topically while massaging the baby reduces the risk of infection.

      ix.            Olive Oil

Olive massage oil

If you have not tried olive massage oil on your baby, you are missing a lot.

Some olive oil manufacturers hype the hydrating properties of olive oil, making it the perfect choice for babies.

Despite these claimed benefits, you should only use this oil for your baby under the prescription of a dermatologist or a pediatrician.

According to researcher, olive oil contains 55-83% of oleic acid, infamous for:

  • Increasing the risk of dry skin.
  • Skin irritation.
  • Weakening the top layer of the skin (stratum corneum).
  • Eczema

       x.            Mustard Oil

Mustard massage oil

You might have come across mustard cooking oil or even used it.

You might wonder, “How can I use cooking oil to massage my baby? I’m not nuts!” Well, you’re not.

But did you know that mustard massage oil improves thermoregulation in the skin, making it ideal for massaging babies? Besides, some research has proved that mustard oil contains skin barrier and skin improvement properties.


Mustard oil is not recommended for babies who are born pre-term. Second, only use this oil if the baby’s skin barrier function is mature enough.

Frequently Asked Questions on Massage Oils for Babies

Which massage oil can I use during the rainy season?

When buying massage oil for your baby during the rainy season, ensure it is light, does not cause allergies, and nourishes the skin.

Is it safe to use lavender oil on my baby?

Lavender oil

Despite its popularity, lavender oil is not recommended as a massage oil for babies.

Research has shown that lavender oil causes skin irritation, hormonal imbalance, and respiratory problems.

However, you can use lotions and shampoos infused with small amounts of lavender since that is not harmful.

The big question is, how much is too much lavender?

You can only talk to your pediatrician or dermatologist to diagnose and prescribe the right ratio of lavender in the oil or shampoo.

Can Olive Oil Whiten My Baby’s Skin?

No. Olive oil does not whiten a baby’s skin; it only leaves a glow.

Precaution: Don’t expose your baby’s skin to skin-lightening massage oils, as this can adversely affect them.

Which massage oil can I use on my baby during winter?

During winter, the baby’s skin becomes susceptible to harsh low temperatures. As such, you should go for a massage oil that replenishes your skin and leaves it moisturized.

Take Away

Now that you have read about massage oils for babies, why not try out your favorite one? Sesame and coconut oils might be less popular, but their antioxidant and antibacterial properties make them the best for babies.

Don’t settle for the two, though. You have eight more massage oils to choose from. What are you waiting for? Let’s see your baby/babies glow.