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6 Reasons You Should Reduce Screen Time for The Baby

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6 Reasons Why You Should Reduce Screen Time for The Baby

Would you expose your baby to extended periods of screen time; allow them to watch videos on a laptop, television, or phone? There is a high likelihood that you would say a resounding YES. If asked, you would give a heap of reasons or excuses:

  • The baby gets less fussy
  • The baby allows you to complete your chores seamlessly.

You could go on and on, but the issue of extended screen time for babies remains worrying. Regardless of the back-and-forth discussions, screen time remains harmful to your baby.

According to a publication by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), babies under 18 months should not be exposed to screen time.

What are the effects of Screen Time on Babies?

If you have been constantly exposing your baby to extended screen time, it is about time to stop it! These effects of screen time on babies will make you opt for alternative means to keep your baby busy:

1.      Delays in Language and Speech Development

A publication by researchers revealed that parents and babies converse about 940 words/hour. However, the words drop to 770/hour when the television is switched for the baby to watch. The same applies when the baby is exposed to screen time.

Such exposure slows down your baby’s communication skills and language. Would you want your baby to experience such delays?

2.      Adversely affects a baby’s beneficial activities.

Anytime you switch on an electronic gadget to keep the baby busy, you take away crucial milestones from their lives. When you take the baby away from the gadgets, you help them to master: your voice, face, and body language.

No matter how long you expose your baby to screen time, they will never learn new crucial life activities. Real-life interactions stimulate a baby’s eye-hand coordination and movement response, something screen time will never stimulate.

3.      Adversely affects eating habits.

Excess exposure to screen time adversely affects a baby’s eating habits. According to some researchers, screen time suppresses a baby’s ability to know they are full, making them overeat.

Alternatively, the baby might lose their appetite, and undereat. In both instances, your baby’s health will be at risk due to malnutrition.

4.      Screen time negatively affects a baby’s vision.

Have you ever paid attention to a baby’s blinking rate when watching videos?

Probably not, but here is a worrying fact; babies blink less when watching videos. Staring at the screens for a long time leads to eye strain, bloodshot red eyes, and blurred vision.

If this happens over an extended period, the baby might strain to see objects from a distance, resulting in short-sightedness.

Would you love it when your 3-year-old baby wears prescription glasses? I wouldn’t. Take the baby away from that gadget right away.

5.      Affects brain development

As a parent, you might be lied to by Ads that certain TV programs or videos are best for babies. What those commercial Ads fail to tell you is that babies are too young to coordinate images on the screen.

Babies only watch videos due to the attractive bright colors.

Even if a video brought an image of a pacifier that is already in their mouth, they would never know. If you gave the baby a pacifier, their brain would coordinate and recognize that they have something in their mouth or hand. Consequently, this would help their brain to develop better.

6.      Screen Time Affects Sleep Patterns

If you want to destroy a baby’s sleep patterns, introduce them to screen time. Babies who watch television or other videos for a long find it hard to sleep, which could lead to other issues.

Don’t turn your baby into an insomniac through excess screen time.

How Should I Manage Screen Time for My Baby?

If your baby is struggling with screen time, don’t worry. I have compiled a list of alternative options to keep your baby busy:

  1. Involving the baby in day-to-day activities.

Take the baby to the kitchen to help you cook or do the dishes. You don’t have to involve them actively; observation is enough.

When doing laundry, also keep the baby involved. You can give them some clothes to play with.

B.       Book reading

Are you kidding me? You might ask.

The truth is that reading a book for toddlers allows toddlers to attempt to talk, which is good for speech development. To perfect this, you will need books with large fonts and pictures to keep the baby interested.

The baby might not know how to read, but they can hear your voice and coordinate things.

C.       Outdoor plays

Get out with your baby and explore outdoor features. The outdoor environment is not only therapeutic but also opens up babies’ minds. If the baby can walk, let them take the lead as you protect them.

While doing this, ensure they are dressed right since their immunity is still developing.

D.      Sing with them

Whether it is a song, a lullaby, or a rhyme, this will be a good substitute for binge-watching different programs.

While doing this, incorporate toys, smile, and facial expressions for better concentration.

E.       Sensory games

Sensory games not only stimulate sensory organs but also trigger the creativity aspect in babies. Some sensory games you can involve your baby include:

  • Dismantling and making toys
  • Drawing patterns and paintings
  • Using baby-safe mirrors to reflect light.

F.       Playing baby-friendly games

Do you know how to play peek-a-boo with a baby? If not, you are missing out on a lot of fun. Such friendly games keep the baby active. You can also introduce toys with different sounds to keep the babies more engaged.

Frequently Asked Questions on Screen Time for Babies

The following are the frequently asked questions regarding TV/ screen time for babies:

  1. Does screen time/TV overstimulate babies?

Babies, especially newborns, may be overstimulated by loud noise and bright light, such as from TV and electronic gadgets.

  1. Are TV programs beneficial to babies?

TV programs can be beneficial to babies if used in moderation. For instance, some TV programs might introduce babies to different cultures, wildlife, and nature.

  1. What should I do when watching TV while my baby is asleep?

First, keep the TV volume low to stop disturbing the baby. Second, ensure that the screen does not produce light. You should watch the TV in a separate room from where the baby is sleeping.

Bottom line

At first, babies can be fussy when you take away their favorite video gadget. However, as time goes by, they will adjust accordingly. If you have yet to introduce your baby to screen time, please don’t. If you have, reduce it until you take it away completely.