Hair Loss in Babies: 5 Causes, Symptoms, and Management.

All babies experience some hair loss a few weeks after birth, a phenomenon called alopecia. In some instances, however, the rate of hair loss in babies can be alarming.

 What causes hair loss in babies?

 What are the effects of hair loss in babies?

 How can I prevent hair loss in baby(babies)?

 These are some but many of the many questions running through your mind.

 Read this article to the end to know why your baby is suddenly losing so much hair.

Is Hair Loss Common In Babies?

It is very normal for babies to shed their first hair in preparation for mature hair to grow. After birth, the high hormone levels in a baby drop significantly, leading to hair loss.

In most cases, hair loss occurs between the age of one to six months after birth. If your baby loses their hair after six months, something could be wrong. These are the five common reasons your baby is losing hair:

1.      Scalp infections

Your baby’s scalp could be infected by fungi or bacteria, resulting in hair loss. Ringworms are the major cause of scalp damage, resulting in hair loss in babies.

2.      Braiding and Styling the Hair Tightly

A baby’s hair follicles are delicate and could snap or break if slight pressure is applied to them. Avoid pulling or twisting the hair too much, if planning to style it in a certain way.

If you notice that the baby/infant’s hair is breaking while styling it, just stop.

3.      Constant Friction/Friction Alopecia

Babies spend a lot of time sleeping on their backs or tummies. As your baby turns their head to stare and marvel at you, their hair gets some friction.

Although the friction might not cause immediate hair loss, it does so with time. You might start to notice some patches of hair at the back of the baby’s head.

4.      Allergies

Another thing that could trigger hair loss in babies is allergy. Your baby could be allergic to the food they consume or the oil that you apply to their scalp. Besides the allergy, your baby could have eczema which causes a cradle cap on the baby, and consequently, hair loss.

5.      Stress and Illnesses

Stress in babies weakens the hormones responsible for the development of hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Similarly, ailments such as tinea capitis, traction alopecia, alopecia areata, and bacterial infections.

What are the symptoms of hair loss in babies?

You don’t need a doctor to carry out tests on the baby to tell you whether your baby is losing hair. These pointers will help you to note hair loss in babies easily:

a.      Hair tufts on your fingers

If your fingers remain with hair tufts when you run them through the baby’s hair, they could be shedding hair. If the baby is not undergoing chemotherapy, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately.

b.      Abnormally many hair strands in a comb

If your comb remains with so many hair strands after a combing session, it could signify they are losing hair.

c.       Bald patches on the scalp

You will also note that your baby is losing a lot of hair due to the bald patches on their scalp. Although the major cause of such bald scalps is ringworms, continuous friction can lead to the same.

d.      Inflammation and crustiness of the scalp.

If your baby’s scalp appears inflamed with yellow patches that appear to fall off, it could be a sign of hair loss.

Treatment of Hair Loss in Babies

The following are the most common treatment options for hair loss in babies:

·         Anti-fungal medication

If the primary cause of hair loss in your baby is ringworms, you can give them anti-fungal medication and ointments. However, do so under the prescription of a doctor.

·         Baby-safe shampoos

If the baby’s scalp is infected, the doctor may prescribe you to get a medicated baby-safe shampoo. Such shampoos not only strengthen the hair follicles but also soften the scalp.

·         Creams, oils, and lotions

There are specific creams, oils, and lotions, which you can apply on your baby’s scalp to minimize hair loss. Besides, you can use baby massage oils for babies to keep them hydrated.

Bottom Line

If your baby is abnormally losing their hair, don’t rush to buy ointments. Identify the cause first then look for a solution. If you have to buy a product for managing hair loss, ensure it is baby-friendly for effective results.