Why Do Babies Touch Private Parts?

“I noticed that my 1-year-old loves touch private parts randomly. Is it normal?” This is a common issue that new parents raise from time to time.

The question of whether it is normal or abnormal for babies or toddlers to grab their privates raises eyebrows. It leaves parents and those close to them with all manner of imaginations; from wild to despicable.

Now to the big question, the answer is, YES! It is normal for babies and toddlers to touch their private parts.  

Research shows that between 42 and 73% of babies and toddlers aged between 2 and 13 love to touch their genital regions.

This raises the big question, why do babies touch their private parts?

Why do Babies Love to Touch Private Parts?

There are three possible reasons why babies might touch their private parts from time to time.

1.      Exploration

If you observe well, you will notice that babies are so exploratory. Once they reach the age where they can sit and realize they have toes, that becomes their hobby. They will keep glued to their feet, marveling at their toes. They will touch, grab, nibble, and massage the toes at any opportune time.

The same applies to babies and touching genitals. Any time you take diapers off the baby, they will feel a fresh flow of air. The baby will feel free. Once they feel their private parts, that will be their new obsession.

2.      Sensualism

Babies, like other humans, are sensual beings. As young or tiny as they might be, they get sexually aroused. It is not uncommon to see boys having erections and girls getting stimulated.

Caution: Just because the baby gets aroused does not mean they should be subjected to any sexual activity.

3.      Irritation or Pain

The third reason why a baby might grab their genitals has to do with discomfort. Discomfort in babies’ private parts might be a result of pain or irritation.

If you stay for a long time without changing the baby’s diapers, they might develop diaper rash. Diaper rash causes babies to touch their privates to soothe themselves.

Infection of a baby’s private parts might cause irritation or pain, which makes them touch themselves.

If you suspect your baby might have an infection, take them to a hospital immediately. Infections such as urinary tract infections are very common among girls and you should have them tested immediately.

What Should You Do If Your Baby is Touching Their Private Areas?

Seeing your baby touching their private areas might leave you disoriented. You might try to smack their hands, frown upon it, shout at them, or say “Yuck!”

In some cases, you might even feel embarrassed about the baby’s behavior in public, and it is understandable. If you find yourself in this dilemma, the best thing to do is to distract the baby through toys and games such as peek-a-boo.

Should You See a Doctor if a Baby Touches Their Private Parts?

A baby touching their private parts should not be concerning. It is a stage of development and as a parent, you should be proud of this milestone. However, too much of everything becomes concerning, and babies touching their genitals is not an exception.

These instances might indicate an underlying condition:

  • The baby grabs/touches their genitals frequently and does not stop despite constant reminders.
  • The baby appears to mimic adult sexual acts.
  • The baby’s genitals appear injured or the baby appears to be in excruciating pain.
  • Your baby does not care about the environment they are in; they keep touching the genitals.
  • The baby might appear angry, sad, or aggressive.
  • The baby might manifest conditions that they had stopped such as bed-wetting.

Besides these signs, these symptoms will tell you that a baby touching their genitals has an underlying condition:

Baby boys– redness and swelling of the foreskin or head of the penis.

Baby girls- soreness, redness, and swelling around the vulva and, or discharge.

 Bottom Line

The above cases might help you to understand why your baby keeps rubbing their genitals every time. Although this list is comprehensive, it is not entirely exhaustive.

One thing that many parents might ignore is that the baby could have been sexually assaulted. People are turning against the babies they should protect and sexually molesting them. In as much as the baby might be having other issues prompting them to touch their genitals, don’t rule out sexual abuse.