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Top 20 Unique Baby Shower Gifts for Babies and Mothers

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Baby Shower Gifts

Top 20 Unique Baby Shower Gifts For Babies and Mothers

Is your friend expecting a baby, but you are unsure which baby shower gift to give them? First, congratulations to them for this incredible journey. Thank you for being the go-to friend and being considerate of them.

 Finding the “perfect” gift for a baby shower could be draining. You could get a “surprise” gift only to be surprised to find that other people brought similar gifts. This will be different because this article will give you a heads-up on baby shower gifts that are new, unique, and adorable for mothers-to-be.

What Makes a Baby Shower Gift Unique?

This could be the biggest hurdle you are currently facing. To simplify this, we will deal with two issues: gifts for the baby and the mother. Another thing about unique baby shower gifts is that you don’t have to break the bank to get them.

Note: Before you get these gifts, ask the mother-to-be if they have a registry of what they require for the baby shower. Doing so will save you the disappointment and inconvenience of buying similar gifts.

Let’s now dive into the best baby shower gifts for babies.

Top 12 Baby Shower Gifts for Babies Babies

  1. Swaddles

Swaddles are the in-thing; they keep babies secure, warm, and relaxed. Besides, swaddles are multifunctional. You can use them as nursing covers, burp clothes, and shawls for the baby. Welcome the newborn baby warmly by gifting them with a swaddle.

  • Bathtime Skincare Products

Babies have delicate skin, and that’s why you should invest in baby-friendly bathtime skincare products. Shampoos, cleansing gel, hydrating cream, and bubble baths should all tailored for a baby’s skin. Gift the newborn baby with these products for healthy and smooth skin.

  • Diaper Skincare Products

Given how fast babies soil and wet their diapers, how about getting them a diaper cream to keep their soft buttocks rash-free and smooth? Did you know a baby spends about 3,000 diapers on average in the first year?

You can stand out by gifting the baby a set of products, including diaper rash cream, shea butter cream, and anti-rash diaper powder.

  • Bouncy Seat

Babies love it when they are left alone to explore, especially when they can sit without support. You can surprise such a baby by getting them a bouncy seat. Bouncy seats are not only fun but keep the baby preoccupied.

This allows the parent or caregiver enough time to attend to other duties with minimum interruption. Additionally, a bouncy seat makes the baby move to the next stages of development, such as crawling and walking, faster.

  • Adequate Onesies

Onesies are convenient clothing for babies since they make diaper changing easy. They hold the diaper in place and come in different sizes, designs, and colors. Gift the new baby a set of onesies, and you’ll make it easy for the parent to tend to them.

  • Diapers

Diapers are a common gift that your colleagues will give the newborn baby. As much as they might be a common gift, don’t forget that babies that babies spend an average of 3,000 diapers during the first year. However, you can add some pomp to this gift by adding the diaper cream for a seamless parenting experience.

  • Burp Clothes

Burping a baby is the best way to let them release air that might be trapped in their stomach. When burping the babies, they tend to release the gas with some stomach contents.

You can get burping clothes to avoid the stomach contents from getting to clothes. Burp clothes are affordable and necessary; you should get them as a baby shower gift for babies.

  • Wipes

Babies use a lot of wipes during the first few months for different purposes. Wipes can be used to clean up after the baby has soiled their diapers, to clean babies after they have spit, and for many more reasons. Remember the wipes as you get the baby: a pair of diapers and diaper cream.

P.S: Only get the baby-friendly wipes, which are water-based.

  • Strollers

Strollers, like baby clothes, come in different shapes, sizes, colors, accessories, and other things. If the parent(s) has given specific details on the type of strollers they might need in their registry, kindly get them that.

If that particular stroller is expensive and you cannot afford it, communicate with the parent(s) or caregiver(s).

  1. First Aid Kit

A first-aid kit for babies is an essential that most people overlook. You can surprise the baby by getting them a complete set of the first aid kit, which is made up of the following:

  • Baby thermometer
  • Oral syringe
  • Baby nail clippers
  • Eyewash
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sharp scissors
  • Instant cold pack
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Disposable gloves
  • Baby brush
  • Nasal spray
  • Bandages
  • Tweezers
  • Playmat/Rug

Playmats or rugs are a great deal for babies since they create a safe space to explore their mobility abilities. When choosing a playmat or rug as a gift, go for floral ones since the bright colors and patterns mesmerize babies.

  1. Rockers and Swings

Rockers and swings are a perfect gift for babies. Anytime the baby moves, it swings, instilling curiosity and making the baby want to move more. They also come in handy for the parent(s) or caregiver(s) who might be preoccupied with other tasks while babysitting.

Top 8 Baby Shower Gifts for the Mom

Most people focus too much on the baby and forget about the mother when going for a baby shower. That should not be the case, and I have compiled the best eight gifts to gift the mother-to-be during a baby shower. The best gifts for a pregnant mother during a baby shower include:

  1. Breastfeeding Pillow

New mothers go through emotional and physical turmoil: labor pain, clogged milk ducts, postpartum stress and depression, colic, aching backs, and much more. The best thing you can gift a new mother is comfort, and that’s where the breastfeeding pillow comes in place.

Breastfeeding pillows provide a better latching position for the baby and comfort to the mother.

  • Skincare Products for the Mother

Another baby shower gift for mother-to-be is a skincare products kit. During the pregnancy, the raging hormones might leave the pregnant woman’s skin in a sorry state, making them uncomfortable. Stretch marks also become more prominent during this period.

You can help the mother counter these inconveniences by getting them skincare products such as stretch marks and oil, body lotion, anti-acne cream, and a shaving kit for hairy legs and hands.

  • Baby Carrier

Baby carriers are handy for the mother whose hands are preoccupied with nursing the baby and performing other tasks. The baby carrier should be comfy, safe, and adjustable for optimal convenience for both the mother and baby.

  • Diaper Bag

How did I miss mentioning how a diaper bag is useful for new moms? Be it a regular one, a classic diaper bag, or a stylish backpack diaper bag, this is a perfect choice to gift a new mom or a mother-to-be.

Diaper bags not only carry diapers but also change clothes for the baby and even feed bottles and water for the little one.

  • Photoshoots

Aren’t photoshoots obsolete? You may ask yourself, thanks to the increased popularity of high-end mobile phones with exceptional camera quality.

There is something special about photoshoots, especially bump shoots and baby showers. You can surprise the parent(s) by paying for a photoshoot. You can spoil them rotten with countless photos during the baby shower or after delivery.

You can volunteer to take the photos if you have hands-on expertise in photoshoots. Whether you pay for the photos or volunteer to shoot the photos and videos, the positive impact on the parent(‘s) lives will be unforgettable.

  • Maternity Clothes

Maternity clothes are another special gift you can surprise your pregnant friend with. If you know your friend’s dream colors, choose maternity clothes with those features. Gifting an expectant mother with her favorite clothes leaves them happy and makes the remainder of the trimester easier to complete.

  • Gift Cards and Flowers

An expectant mother’s baby shower is meant to make her feel special, loved, cared for, and every positive affirmation you can think of. That’s why I recommend gifting them with gift cards and flowers to send the same message to them.

  • Letters to My Baby

Have you ever considered how much you’d have impacted your expectant friend by gifting them a collection of letter prompts? Letter prompts are priceless and provide sentimental value to the expectant mother since they allow her to write everything they need to tell their unborn baby/babies.

 The letters’ positive affirmation, prayers, and wishes allow the mother to talk to the unborn baby/babies in a language and tone that they can only understand.

Five Things to Consider When Getting Baby Shower Gifts

The list of baby shower gifts has opened your eyes to unique things you might have never considered. Let’s discuss the five do’s and don’ts of gifting during baby showers.

1.      Do: Make it Personal.

When choosing a baby shower gift for your friend who is expecting, settle for something that they consider personal. If they adore hand-knit blankets, go for that. Personalizing baby shower gifts makes the effort worth appreciating and makes them feel loved and appreciated.

2.      Do: Contribute Towards a Group Gift

Baby showers are getting expensive, and group gifting has become the norm. For example, strollers and baby cribs are becoming so expensive that people struggle to buy them independently.

If you are in this fix, suggest that your friends pool and cost-share the gift price (s).

3.      Don’t: Bring Huge Gifts to the Hospital

You might be planning to surprise your friend with one of the best gifts once her bundle of joy jets in at the hospital. While this gesture is commendable, you should respect your friend’s personal space and take the gifts when they get home.

The hospital space might be too small to accommodate the new mom, baby (or babies), and spouse. Instead of taking huge gifts such as strollers and teddy bears to the hospital, how about a gift card and flowers?

4.      Do: Include the Gift Receipt

 Your gift to the mom or baby might not appeal to them. The good thing about baby shower gifts is that some sellers allow return on purchases. When gifting the parent, present them with the receipt for the product. They will give the receipt if they need to return the gift and exchange it for another product.

5.      Don’t: Go off the Registry

Expectant mothers do a lot of research before they include anything on the baby shower registry. They know which brands tick their fancy and what they have already bought. Therefore, kindly respect their baby shower registry to avoid buying gifts they might not need.


Gifting is a personal choice, and parents-to-be should not coerce people to buy gifts they cannot afford. When gifting your friend, do it without expecting any form of compensation. Additionally, it would help if you never used the gift to blackmail your friend. Make the gifting culture thrive and succeed.

The article has provided you with 20 gifts to choose from. If the parent(s) -)-to-be still need to create a registry, use the tips above to decide which gift to buy them. May the baby shower bring good tidings.