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The Best Remedies for Post-Pregnancy Stretch Marks

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post-pregnancy stretch marks

The Best Remedies for Post-Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Post-pregnancy stretch marks are not a new phenomenon, yet they leave many new mothers with insecurities. The stretch marks may appear in different places: hips, abdomen, breasts, arms, thighs, and even the back. During pregnancy, the growing baby causes the mother’s skin to stretch.

The big question that new mothers shoot regarding stretch marks is whether it is possible to clear them after delivery.

Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks after Delivery?

Stretch marks, like scars, become part of your life, and you cannot get rid of them 100%. They are the mark of the endurance you underwent to bring forth a life to this world.

However, with proper management, you can suppress their impact on your body, making them fade and match your skin tone. You don’t need to spend tons of money to achieve these results. This is where home remedies come in.

Home Remedies to Manage Post-Pregnancy Stretch Marks

These home remedies can help you manage stretch marks after you have delivered:

1.      Application of Essential Oils

Applying essential oils topically can help you reduce stretch marks on the body. The most effective essential oils to use include lavender, rose, helichrysum, myrrh, and geranium. Despite their efficacy, they need a boost of regular oils such as coconut, almond, and sesame.  

Mix a few drops of your preferred essential oil with the regular oils and apply them on the stretch marks. Massage the stretch marks for about 20 minutes every day for a month. The stretch marks will start to clear slowly until the skin achieves an almost-even tone.

2.      Lemon Juice

Lemons are some of the most medically sought-after fruits. Research shows that lemon juice is effective in managing stretch marks that develop after delivery. Squeeze lemon juice into the affected area and leave it to soak into the skin, and voila! For better results, apply the juice daily.

You can mix lemon juice with cucumber juice and apply it on the stretch marks for best results.

Take a few drops of lemon juice, mix it with sugar and lemon juice, and apply it to the skin. This will make the stretch marks lighter and less visible.

3.      Potato Juice

 Potato juice is a rich source of carotenoids, polyphenols, and phytochemicals, which are very effective in managing stretch marks. To apply the juice, cut the potato, rub it on the stretch marks and leave the juice to soak into the skin. After a few months, you will see a huge change.

4.      Moisturizer

Did you know that you can prepare a moisturizer for your skin at home? The moisturizer helps the skin to go back to its original size, reducing the prominence of stretch marks. 

Basic homemade moisturizer contains a mix of olive oil, wheat germ oil, and aloe vera gel. You can customize this moisturizer to match your skin type.

If your skin is oily, add clay moisturizer. On the other hand, if your skin is dry, you can add cocoa butter to keep it hydrated. These moisturizers come in handy in keeping the skin healthy and reducing stretch marks for new moms.

5.      Homemade Lotion

You can also manage post-delivery stretch marks by making a simple lotion at home. To make this lotion, you will need a quarter cup of aloe vera gel and a half cup of extra virgin olive oil. Additionally, you will need to extract some oil from four and six vitamin A capsules and vitamin E capsules, respectively.

Once you have obtained these ingredients, mix them to make a lotion. You can apply the lotion on the stretch marks twice a day until they start to lighten.

6.      Homemade Cream

Homemade creams also come in handy in removing stretch marks in women after delivery. To make this cream, you will need a half cup of cocoa butter, two tablespoons of grated bee wax, and one tablespoon of vitamin E oil. Mix the ingredients and boil the mixture until the wax melts.

Let the mixture cool down, then refrigerate. You can now apply the cream that forms on your stretch marks daily for effective results.


Water is life, the saying goes. Besides being life, water is also therapeutic and can help women fight post-delivery associated stretch marks. Taking 8 to 12 glasses of water daily helps the body get rid of toxins, which may worsen stretch marks. Water also keeps you hydrated, which is crucial in managing stretch marks.

7.      Turmeric and Sandalwood

Why spend a lot of money on lightening cream when you can take advantage of the properties found in turmeric and sandalwood? Turmeric and sandalwood reduce the impact of stretch marks by making the skin even and lighter. This is a quick process on how to use the combination to manage stretch marks:

  • Grind the sandalwood stick into fine powder and add a few drops of water. Do the same for the turmeric and mix.
  • Let the mixture dry to 60% before applying it to your skin.
  • Keep applying it on your skin daily for 6 months until the stretch marks lighten, creating an almost even skin tone.

8.      Shea Butter/Cocoa Butter

Shea butter and cocoa butter are also good solutions to stretch marks that women develop during and after pregnancy. All the women have to do is apply either of the two oils on the stretch marks, and they will start to clear.

Medical Procedures to Remove Post-Delivery Stretch Marks

The home remedies for post-delivery stretch mark removal have proven to be effective. However, they have a drawback: they take time for results to manifest. If patience is not your virtue or spending relatively much money is not an issue, you can opt for medical procedures.

These are the most effective medical solutions to remove stretch marks after giving birth:

A.      Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a popular technology that is used medically to treat scars and remove tattoos. This technology is now used to manage post-delivery stretch marks through the use of wavelengths.

Laser technology restores elastic fibers, thickens the epidermal layer, and increases the production capacity of the collagen, making stretch marks less visible.

There are two downsides to using laser therapy for stretch marks removal:

  • It is costly
  • You might need several sessions to achieve the desired results.

B.      Microneedling

Microneedling is an important medical procedure that medics prefer due to its efficiency in reducing scars and wrinkles that women develop after delivery.

The procedure involves using tiny needles to puncture and “injure” the skin. Since the human skin is self-healing, as the tiny holes in the skin heal, the stretched parts reduce, making it appear almost.

Microneedling is becoming a highly sought-after procedure due to its efficiency. For best results, one has to undergo close to six procedures. Research conducted in 2012 revealed that microneedling helped women manage stretch marks in just four weeks.

Another pilot test that took place in 2016 revealed that microneedling was better than microdermabrasion.

C.      Chemical Peels

 Chemical peels are also getting more popular as many women are trying to avoid the discomfort that comes with post-delivery stretch marks. Chemical peeling is a procedure that involves exfoliating the skin to reduce the prominence of scars that are common in stretch marks.

Before you opt for chemical peels as a way of managing stretch marks, talk to your doctor or dermatologist for advice.

D.     Radiofrequency

Radiofrequency is another sophisticated medical procedure that has proven to be key in reducing stretch marks in women. This procedure involves using radiofrequency waves to heat the dermis layer to achieve the following:

  • Tighten the skin.
  • Activate the healing process for wounds.
  • Stimulate collagen production.

A 2014 pilot study showed that a combination of radiofrequency and multipolar-pulsed electromagnetic field procedures reduces the size (length and width) of stretch marks. Like in the previous procedures, discuss with your dermatologist or trusted doctor to establish whether the procedure is ideal for you.

E.      Microdermabrasion

This is the final medical procedure that has gained massive acceptance in reducing stretch marks in women after delivery. The procedure involves minimal invasion of the skin to reduce the impact of stretch marks on the women. The procedure has been previously used to treat successfully:

  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne scars

Pilot studies have also revealed that microdermabrasion is effective in reducing the intensity of stretch marks in women who have delivered.

How long does it take for stretch marks to fade?

As I have always said, every woman’s body is different, and therefore, you should never compare yourself to other women. Some women start noticing changes a few days after they start therapy and treatment for stretch marks after they have delivered.

In other cases, the stretch marks may take a little longer before they start to reduce and fade away. Regardless of how long the healing process takes, take a step at a time; don’t rush.

Bottom Line

The whole pregnancy journey, mood swings, body aches, cravings, and delivery can be too hard to handle. Stretch marks are a true manifestation of the warrior within you and the strength that you carry within. Don’t be ashamed of stretch marks after delivery. If you must, flaunt them. Don’t push yourself too much to get rid of them.  

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