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8 Tips To Help You Clear Dandruff in Babies

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8 Tips to Help You Clear Dandruff in Babies

Have you ever wondered what causes dandruff in babies? Before we delve deeper into it, it is important to remind you that a baby’s skin, especially the scalp, is extremely delicate. That primarily explains why babies get dandruff. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Due to the extreme sensitivity of babies’ skin, their skin is easily irritable and loses moisture. The scalp becomes dry and develops flaky, light skin called dandruff. To help you understand dandruff, let’s get started.

What Is Baby Dandruff and What Causes It?

Baby dandruff, clinically known as seborrheic dermatitis, is characterized by the same features as an adult’s: dry and flaky scalp.

The big difference is that failing to manage babies’ dandruff causes cradle cap.

What are the Symptoms of Dandruff in Babies?

These are the most common symptoms of dandruff in babies:

  • A flaky and dry skin on the scalp.
  • Some dry patches on the scalp. The patches may be crusty, oily, or scaly.
  • A distinct pink, yellow, or red around the head.

Seeing these symptoms may leave you uncomfortable, fearing for their comfort. Don’t be paranoid if your baby has dandruff for two reasons:

 First, baby dandruff is not contagious, so your baby cannot infect others.  

Second, this dandruff doesn’t cause the baby discomfort like irritation or pain.

What causes Baby Dandruff?

If you were to ask what causes dandruff in babies, I would have told you that dry skin is the primary cause. But I want to avoid leaving you in a catch-22 situation where you must keep guessing things. Let me give you a list of things that are likely to trigger dandruff in your baby:

  • Excess sebum excretion on the baby’s scalp.
  • Sunburn
  • Extreme high or low temperatures
  • Using too much shampoo/using strong shampoo.
  • Failure to rinse the head well after shampooing.
  • Malassezia yeast.
  • Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Top 8 Tips to Manage Dandruff in Babies

Now that you know the major triggers of baby dandruff, how can you manage this harmless condition? Here are eight easy-peasy tips to help you clear dandruff in babies.

1.       Using Baby-Friendly Shampoo

When buying shampoo for your baby, look for the one that is baby-friendly. Such shampoo should be gentle and should not dry the baby’s scalp. I will write an article reviewing the best ultra-gentle and baby-friendly shampoos for your baby.

2.       Constant Brushing of the Baby’s Head

Constant brushing of your baby’s scalp is also an ideal way to do away with dandruff in babies. To do this, apply baby oil on the baby’s scalp after bathing them. Next, use a brush with soft bristles to brush the scalp. Brushing a well-oiled scalp would loosen flaky patches and remove dead skin cells.

3.       Using a Modifier

Using a humidifier is a good way to manage dandruff in babies. Humidifiers keep the scalp warm and moisturized. In turn, this reduces the risk of the baby developing dandruff.

4.       Reducing Bath Time

How does reducing bath time reduce baby dandruff? You might ask. When you bathe a baby for an extended period, its skin becomes delicate, making it easy to develop dandruff.  

Besides shortening the bathing time, you should also use baby-friendly products that do not harm the baby’s delicate skin.

If your gut instincts or the pediatrician tell you the baby’s skin is delicate, reduce the bath times. You can bath the baby three or four times a week.

5.       Applying Oil to the Baby’s Scalp

Your baby’s scalp should remain as moist as possible as the first step to alleviating dandruff. Apply the oil on the baby’s scalp and gently rub it to spread the oil.

6.       Consulting Your Doctor

If your baby’s dandruff feels abnormal, causes massive discomfort, and lasts a long time to clear, take them to a pediatrician. Depending on the diagnosis results, the doctor/pediatrician would prescribe an ointment or antifungal cream to clear dandruff.

7.       Giving the Baby a Head Massage

Giving your baby a gentle head massage may help in clearing dandruff. The massage weakens the flaky dead skin on the scalp, making it fall off and creating space for new and healthy skin to regenerate.

Keep any sharp objects away while massaging the baby’s delicate scalp, including your fingers, since they can harm them.

8.       Avoiding the Use of Conditioners

Conditioners might be useful on adults’ heads but damage an infant’s scalp greatly. Instead of buying overpriced, harmful conditioners for adults, settle for gentle shampoos that keep the baby’s scalp healthy and dandruff-free.


  Baby dandruff should not give you a headache since it is a temporary issue that clears easily with proper management. The 8 tips to clear baby dandruff will come in handy and keep the baby’s scalp healthy.