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5 Possible Reasons Why Your Toddler Hits You and Solutions

5 Possible Reasons Why Your Toddler Hits You and Solutions Why do toddlers hit you when you least expect it? As a parent to a toddler between 6 months and two years, you must have encountered a...

7 Best Signs That Your Toddler Craves for Attention

7 Best Signs That Your Toddler Craves for Attention How is parenting so far? Each child is different, but parenting is not a child’s play. Dealing with toddlers is as hectic as it can get...

Your Child Should Avoid These 7 Harmful Beliefs

These 7 Beliefs Will Destroy Your Child Parenting is a full-time commitment and job that you must be prepared for. From the moment you started experiencing pregnancy symptoms, you signed a commitment...

8 Outstanding Questions on Acid Reflux in Babies

8 Outstanding Questions on Acid Reflux in Babies You might have heard the statement, “Acid reflux in babies is like heartburn.” But as a parent, this statement might not make any sense. In this...

3 Useful Tips on Burping a Baby

3 Useful Tips on Burping a Baby As a first-time parent, you might have encountered the word “burping.” Is it another overhyped word that parenting “experts” are tossing around?...

These Are The Top 6 Undisputable 3-Day Potty Training Secrets

The 3-Day Potty Training Secrets Unlocked. “Can I potty train my baby in three days?” This is one of the most asked questions by parents, especially first-timers. Parents are always curious about...

Top 10 Types of Baby Rash to Be Aware About

Top 10 Types of Baby Rash to Be Aware About In my previous article on the best massage oils for babies, I mentioned that a baby’s skin is very delicate compared to an adult’s. All your...

6 Possible Causes of Excessive Drooling in Babies and Easy Treatment Options

6 Possible Causes of Excessive Drooling in Babies and Easy Treatment Options Parenting comes with its fair share of lessons, which, unfortunately, don’t come in a user manual. Why would you need...

Stop Teasing Your Child About These 7 Stupid Things

Stop Teasing Your Child About These 7 Stupid Things In my previous articles, I have mentioned that parenting is a full-time job that does not come with a manual. We all love to play, cuddle, and joke...